We are people interested in building, flying, and maintaining all kinds of aircraft: from Homebuilts to Classics, Antiques, Gyrocopters, Balloons, and Seaplanes. Our members own planes made out of wood, tube, fabric, aluminum, or composites. The EAA is an organization that encourages, aids and engages in scientific research for the improvement and better understanding of aviation and promotes aviation education. We are interested in keeping the skies free and safe for us now, and for future generations.
The Detroit Chapter is the oldest and largest of the 40 Michigan Chapters with approximately 100 active members. We celebrated our 60th Anniversary in May of 2015. With years of experience as builders and pilots, our members have numerous aircraft, both under construction and already built and flying. Members assist each other during the construction of their homebuilt aircraft or restoration of certified aircraft. If you are thinking about building an aircraft we would like to meet you.
The EAA International Organization encompasses over 150,000 members and is devoted to the promotion of sport aviation, assisting amateur aircraft builders and furthering the cause of the international aviation community. EAA and its members are involved in every facet of flying. A summer convention in Oshkosh, Wisconsin that records attendance of more than 750,000 and attracts 12,000 aircraft is held each year. The Fly-in Convention includes aircraft displays, educational forums, workshops and seminars covering the entire spectrum of aviation, an afternoon aerial performance, as well as a “fly” market.
At our monthly meetings, we discuss news items that affect us as builders and pilots, we have a guest speaker or program, announcements of items to buy/sell, aircraft progress reports, coffee, BBQ, and cookies. And, of course, there is plenty of great Flying. A large, free, book and video library is available for our members to use. We also participate in the Young Eagles Program, sponsor safety seminars, and have pancake breakfasts during the year.
Click here to see a list of the home built and ultralight aircraft our members are currently building, have built in the past and/or are flying.
Our meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of the month at Ray Community Airport. Meeting time is from 7:30 pm to 10 pm. There is a pre-meeting Bar-B-Q at 6:30 pm. Come early, set up the meeting room and have a hot dog or burger. We have Young Eagles events and safety seminars scheduled throughout the year. In July we have a Fly-in Saturday picnic for family and friends at Ray Community Airport (formerly New Haven Macomb Airport). There is no August meeting because most of our members are at the International Convention in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. In December we have a banquet dinner to present awards for our builder’s first flights.
Visitors are welcome and one of the important reasons we exist. All you need do is “show up”, tell us you’re there and let us know what your interests are. Bring a friend!
Members receive a monthly newsletter.